Although it's nearly three years since my Mom died, barely a week goes by when I don't have some type of experience or memory that reminds me of her.
I'm starting to think of these little thought flashes in my mind as postcards - a lovely photograph with a short note on the other side. Here's a sample from my "collection":
As a child and into my adulthood, people who knew my family would comment on how much I looked like my Dad. Blonde hair, blue eyes, long torso, short legs. But as I grow older, and even more so now that she's gone, friends comment on how much I look like my Mom. I can't always see it in myself, but I know that my one-year old daughter looks like a mini-version of her Grandma Anne. [Reverse side: a photo of me and my daughter together smiling, our eyes barely visible for they've been squeezed down to slits from our apple cheekbones]I can pull out these images in my mind whenever I care to, connecting my memories and my present life. Like a postcard collection, I can put them in a scrapbook of memories, pulling them out in my mind to remember the good times, to tell the story of my life's travels.
I'm now at an age that I can remember my Mom being. When she was 38, I was 11, all full of angles and enthusiasm. [Reverse: photo of me & Mom in 1978]
My son pulled out a book to read the other day that my Mom loved, and would have loved reading to him. I could almost hear her voice in my ear as I read it aloud to him. [Reverse: the cover of the Velveteen Rabbit]
What helps you remember the good times with your loved one?
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