Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Seasons of Loss

Autumn is such a bittersweet season! September is a new beginning for those going back to school. Fall is a high-energy time for those who only tolerate summer heat and humidity. Horses get frisky in the fall and sometimes I do too. It’s the only time I really like to clean house or think about jogging. But for many, the gardens full of dormant plants, falling leaves and shorter days stir feelings of loss and emptiness. They prepare to go into a social hibernation, cocooning in front of the fireplace (or TV or computer) until spring.

You might have guessed by the frequency of my entries these past months that summer is when I lose energy. Our energy ebbs and flows with nature’s seasons and also with our seasons of grief. My significant losses have been in summer and late winter.

When did you last lose a loved one? Was it in the fall or winter? If so, you may be bracing yourself for the cold winds of residual grief. Bundle up, find a friend to share your story and sadness with, and curl up in front of the fireplace. That way you will be in a different grief place when spring arrives.

I’d love to hear about your seasons of grief.


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