Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving Back

After my divorce, I initiated a divorce recovery program at my church because I thought we (read "I") needed one. That first fall session drew over 100 people; our community was thirsty for someplace to heal from the death of a marriage.

The next spring we held it again and trained some of the participants from the fall session to help facilitate the small groups. Each seminar more singles returned to facilitate small groups for the next wave of participants.

For 15 years Starting Over Single reached out to our community every spring and fall, and what we gradually realized was that each season reflected the growth and healing that had occurred the past six months. Giving back became not only a reflection of our healing, but instrumental in our healing. I thought I was giving back to help others but discovered that giving back was healing me.

On the days when we can do nothing to help ourselves, the only thing to do is help someone else.

Who can you reach out to today?